To get to Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick, you could catch a train to Smethwick Rolfe Street as this is opposite the Gurdwara. The trains leave birmingham new street at 7 minutes and 37 minutes past the hour.
There is also some excellent Jap Ji Sahib Katha in panjabi by Giani Thakur Singh (click here), he also explains the importance of Jap Ji Sahib (click here).
The week's video of the week is kirtan from New Jersey Smagam (May 2007) by Bhai Kudrit Singh Ji. It is inspiring to see such a young child perform kirtan so well.
Everyone from the Univerity of Birmingham Sikh Society is very pleased to hear fellow sikh student Manvir Singh Khalsa has been chosen as the youth of the month (click here for interview).
So we have put this week's video of the week as this quick interview of manvir singh at a leicester university sikh society event.