Friday, December 07, 2007

Upcoming Kaurageous Events

Click on Posters for more info:

All are welcome to the events. Both events open to both guys and girls.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sikhi Week Photos: Sikh Women and Sacrifice talk and Sri Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji Talk

Here are the photos from the first two Sikhi Week events. Sorry they've took so long.

Sikh Women and Sacrifice at University Of Birmingham

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji talk at Aston University

More sikhi week photos soon

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Week's Events

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Congatulations to all on the 538th Gurpurb of our first Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji.

giaan dhhiaan k ishh karam n jaanaa saa r n jaanaa thaeree|
I know nothing about wisdom, meditation and good deeds; I know nothing about Your excellence.

sabh thae vaddaa sathigu r naanak jin kal raakh ee maeree|4|10|57|
Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga.|4|10|57|

(Ang 749 - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

There is a great sakhi that a current University of Birmingham Sikh Society student has put up on his blog. Click here for Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Sakhi

Meditation and Youth Simran

This weeks Meditation will be held at Flat X9 of Victoria Halls Phase II on Monday at 5.30pm . Meditation is for everyone and a great way to ease the stress of studying, so why not try it for a week and bring a friend with you.

BCU Talk

There will be a Talk at BCU (aka UCE) this Wednesday at 2pm-3.30pm. Some of the Uni of Bham Sikhsoc members will be going there by train so if you want to go with the Sikh Society meet them infront of the guild for 12.45. For those who want to make there own way there, the 51 bus (bus stop is in Birmingham City Centre on the road on the left side of the pavilion shopping center) or a train to perry barr train station (leaves new street at 27 and 57 minutes past each hour) both get you to BCU university. The room number is 217 (Attwood Building).


There will be football at 4pm on Thursday at the football pitches by Bristol Road (by Mech Eng building) . £1 members, £2 non-members.

There is now a group on facebook called: University of Birmingham Sikh Society. Joining the group is a easy way to put forward any ideas you may have.

Hope to see you at the events.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The week's events

Meditation and Youth Simran

This weeks Meditation will be held at Flat X9 of Victoria Halls Phase II on Monday at 5.30pm . Meditation is for everyone and a great way to ease the stress of studying, so why not try it for a week and bring a friend with you. After this, a few of us will be going to Guru Nanak Gurdwara on Smethwick High St, where there is a simran programme for youth. If anyone is interested in going, we will be leaving straight after meditation , so come along to the flat. Great chance for those who are living away from home to have some dhaal and roti!!

Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh Talk

On Wednesday afternoon, we are very lucky to have Birmingham's Resident Comedian, Sukhi Singh giving a talk on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee . This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to learn about Sikhi and what values a Sikh holds. The talk will be held at the Aston Webb Building at Bham Uni (big central building with a dome opposite clock tower), in room WG5. The room isn't too hard to find, and there will be signs to help, but in case you do get lost, the receptionists in the entrance to the building will show you. The talk will start at 1.30pm, and will last approximately 45mins. You will also have the chance to ask Sukhi Singh questions at the end - exciting!!!!!!


The will be football at 4pm on Thursday at the football pitches by Bristol Road (by Mech Eng building) .£1 members, £2 non-members.

Monday, November 12, 2007

This Week's Events

Thanks for everyone who came to the Sikh Week Events and made them a success. Aston Sikh Society are currently organising the photos and they should be up on the blogs very soon.

After suggestions from the Sikh Society members, the weekly Meditation has been moved to an earlier and more suitable time of 5.30pm on Mondays.

This weeks meditation will be at the Strathcona building at room SR12 at 5.30pm. For anyone that is unsure of where this building is, please go to the following links where the Strathcona building is R18 on the map.

As all West Midlands Sikh Societies are linked with one another, over the coming weeks, there will be some meditation sessions where the members of Aston uni Sikh soc will be joining us, and sessions where we will be going to the Aston uni meditation. Transport will be available for pick ups and drop offs. Details of this will be coming up shortly once dates are confirmed.
Remember meditation doesn't have to be just religious meditation, its a technique we can use to ease the stresses of studies and a great way to meet people from your Sikh soc. From next Wednesday, we will be holding midday prayer, meditation and keertan sessions, more about this in the next email.

BCU University (aka UCE) will be having an event on Wednesday at 1.30 - 3.30pm (in the Kenrick Theatre). The talk will be on Guru Nanak Dev Ji and there will be free Soda and Samosas afterwards.

To get to BCU you can either catch a train to Perry Barr (leaves New Street at 27 and 57 minutes past the hour every hour - Paltform 3a usually) or catch the 51 bus (bus stop in Bham City Center by Marks and Spencers)

There will be 6 a side football on Thursday. It will start at 4pm at the pitches by Bristol Road.

Anyone who has yet to join the Sikh Society for the academic year can do so at any of the Sikh Soc events this week. Remember this is your Sikh society, so any ideas and suggestions are welcomed.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Event: National Kirtan Darbar (and transportation)

har keerathan sunai har keerathan gaavai this jan dhookh nikatt nehee aavai 2
Listening to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and singing the Lord's Kirtan, misfortune shall not even come near you

(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 190)

National Kirtan Darbar - An evening of Kirtan and Katha by various renowned Keertanee. There will be Katha in English, displays and the BOSS Stall which includes books on Sikhi, Hoodies, T-Shirts and CD's.
6 till late at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick

Transport: The Sikh Society have arranged transportation from the University Of Birmingham. Anyone wanting to go with the sikh society please meet them behind the Guild at 7pm. They'll also drop you back at uni at 10pm.For those who want to stay longer, they can. Any further questions please don't hesitate to contact Nick Singh at 07859 905652.

To get to Smethwick Gurdwara you could either catch the train from New Street to Smethwick Rolfe Street (train stop opposite the gurdwara) or catch the 87 bus (also stops right infront of Guru Nanak Gurdwara). The 87 bus stop is just outside of New Street next to the 61 bus stop.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Remaining Sikhi Week Events

Thanks to everyone who helped out at the langer. The event was a huge success and we got some great feedback from both the sevadars and the university students. We'll be putting the best comments up on the blog at the end of the week. We'll also put up photos of the langer, along with the other Sikhi Week event's photos, on the blog at the end of the week.

Note: SikhSoc 6 a side football: thursday at 4pm on the pitches by Bristol Road.

Remaining Sikhi Week events:

Wednesday :
Candlelight Vigil
- As an act of remembrance, the Sikh community will be holding a candlelight vigil to mark Remembrance Day in memory of thousands of Sikhs soldiers who fought in the World Wars. Also to remember the dark days in history during the Anti-Sikh Programs with killings of thousands of innocent Sikhs across India from the 80's to the present.
5 - 8pm at Chamberlain Square, Birmingham City Center

Directions to Chamberlain Square:
1) Catch train(/bus) to Birmingham New Street(/Birmingham City Center).
2) Next, head out of the Pallasades and turn left onto New Street.
3) Head down New street until you reach Victoria Square. Go down the road on the left hand side of the Council House.

Sikhs and Diwali - Seminar led by a Bibi Kiranpal Kaur on the difference between Diwali and Bandi Chor, why we celebrate Bandi Chor and what this day signifies and really means to Sikhs. 2 - 5pm at Wolverhampton University, Room MN110

If anyone wants to go there with the Uni of Bham Sikh Society please be outside the Guild on Friday at 12.45.

National Kirtan Darbar
- An evening of Kirtan and Katha by various renowned Keertanee. There will be Katha in English, displays and the BOSS Stall which includes books on Sikhi, Hoodies, T-Shirts and CD's.
6 till late at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick

Directions: To get to Guru Nanak Gurdwara you could either catch the train from new Street to Smethwick Rolfe Street (train stop opposite the gurdwara) or catch the 87 bus (also stops right infront of Guru Nanak Gurdwara).

Saturday, November 03, 2007

This Weeks Events



The langer on campus is coming up this Monday. On Sunday at 2pm we will be setting up the tent just outside the clock tower so if anyone is free and wants to help please do come down. We'll need sevadars throughout the day so whenever you're free please come down. For anyone wanting to help on the monday, please come down Sunday at 4pm and we'll brief you on the seva required. You can also turn up on the day and our organisers can assign you seva which is required at that moment.

lµgru clY gur sbid hir qoit n AwvI KtIAY]
The Langar - the Kitchen of the Guru's Shabad has been opened, and its supplies never run short. (Ang. 967 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)


Sri Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji started of the tradition of the langer. His father Mehta Kalyan Chand Ji gave Guru Ji 20 rupees to start off a business in trade. As Guru Ji made his way to the city, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji came upon a group of Sadhus (spiritual men) who, engrossed in meditation, had not eaten in several days. Guru Ji felt the best allocation for this money would be to buy these spiritual beings food. Whilst given the food, Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji also served the Sadhus any way he could. A Gurdwara has been built where this event occured (Sacha Sauda Gurdwara in Pakistan). The langer continued on and was futher developed on by Sri Guru Angad Dev Sahib Ji. Guru Ji's wife, Mata Khivi Ji, did seva of making the langer and helped serve it. Due to her devotion and service she is mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:

blvMf KIvI nyk jn ijsu bhuqI Cwau pqRwlI ] lµgir dauliq vMfIAY rsu AMimRqu KIir iGAwlI ]
balava(n)dd kheevee naek jan j is bahuthee shhaao pathr aalee || a(n)gar dhoulath va(n)dd eeai ras a(n)mrith kheer gh iaalee ||

Balwand says that Khivi, the Guru's wife, is a noble woman, who gives soothing, leafy shade to all.
She distributes the bounty of the Guru's Langar; the kheer - the rice pudding and ghee, is like sweet ambrosia.
(Ang. 967 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

So, again please do come down and tell as many people as possible about the langer. By the clocktower, 11am-4pm.

Meditation - There will be a medition session at St Francis Hall, Chaplaincy at 6pm.


Candlelight Vigil - As an act of remembrance, the Sikh community will be holding a candlelight vigil to mark Remembrance Day in memory of thousands of Sikhs soldiers who fought in the World Wars. Also to remember the dark days in history during the Anti-Sikh Programs with killings of thousands of innocent Sikhs across India from the 80's to the present.
5 - 8pm at Chamberlain Square, Birmingham City Center


Sikh Society 6-a-side Football Tournament on Thursday at the football pitches by Bristol Road. The tournament will start at 5pm and it'll be £1 per person. For more information get in touch with Nick Singh on 07859 905652.


Sikhs and Diwali -
Seminar led by a Bibi Kiranpal Kaur on the difference between Diwali and Bandi Chor, why we celebrate Bandi Chor and what this day signifies and really means to Sikhs.
2 - 5pm at Wolverhampton University, Room MN110


National Kirtan Darbar
- An evening of Kirtan and Katha by various renowned Keertanee. There will be Katha in English, displays and the BOSS Stall which includes books on Sikhi, Hoodies, T-Shirts and CD's.
6 till late at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick

Loads of events happening this week, and all not to be missed.

Friday, October 26, 2007

This Weeks Events

Monday 29th October

West Midlands Sikhi Week 2007 will commence on monday and University of Birmingham will be hosting the first event.
There will be a talk on Sikh Women and Sacrifice which will take place in the St Francis Hall in the Caplaincy (the place where the Cha n' Samosa event was held) at 2pm till 5pm .
There will also be the meditiation session after the event at the same place starting 6pm.

Wednesday 31th October

The next event for Sikhi Week will be taking place at Aston University. The talk will be on Sri Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji and will start at 2pm. Members of the Sikh Society will be commuting there by train/bus. Anyone who wants to go with them, please be at the clocktower for 1 pm sharp. Alternatively, for those who would like to make there own way there, the 61, 62 and 63 buses stop outside of Aston University.

Thursday 1st November

There will be a Gatka demonstation at Aston University. This will take place 1pm - 3pm just outside Aston University Guild. If anyone would like to go with the sikh society then e-mail us back on this e-mail address.

There will also be a Sikh Society 6-a-side Football Tournament on Thursday at the football pitches by Bristol Road. The tournament will start at 5pm and it'll be £1 per person. For more information get in touch with Nick Singh on 07859 905652.

Langar on Campus

The langer on campus commemorating Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Gurpurb will be on the 9th November and we need as many sewadars as possible. If anyone is free for a few hours on Monday please come down and help by doing whatever sewa needs doing. This event has been a huge success in previous years with the university, students and sikh community praising the event and the sewadars.

Everyone is welcome to the events.

There's loads happening next week so please come down and make these events a success.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Event: Sikhi Week 2007

Below are the dates and venues for Sikh Week 2007's events.

Monday 29th Oct- Sikh Women and Sacrifice at St Francis Hall, University of Birmingham, 2-5pm

Wednesday 31st Oct- Presentation on Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Aston University, NG09, 2-5pm

Thursday 1st Nov- Gatka at Aston University, outside Guild, 1-3pm

Monday 5th Nov- Langar On Campus at University Of Birmingham, outside Clocktower, 11-4pm

Wednesday 7th Nov-Candlelight Vigil (for 1984 remembrance and sikh soldiers who fought in 2 world wars) at Chamberlain Square in Birmingham City Centre, 4-7pm

Friday 9th Nov- Sikhs and diwali at Wolverhampton University, ML 041, 2-5pm,

Saturday 10th Nov- National Kirtan Darbar at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick, 7pm-12am

Sunday, October 21, 2007

This week's events (Week 4)

Events coming up:

On Monday 22nd October we will be starting the Meditation sessions.
Time: 6.30pm
Place: Worship room, St. Francis Hall chaplaincy
Everyone welcome

On Wednesday 24th October, the SikhSoc will be going bowling at AMC.
We'll be going by train or bus most likely - depends on how many people with gaddiya wanna come ; )
The plan: meet at the guild for 1.30pm and make our way to AMC
For more details and to let us know you're coming, please get in touch with Nick Singh on 078599 05652, or alternatively Satnam Kaur on 07743 433146.

West Midlands Sikhi Week is also just around the corner. This is where there are events throughout the space of a week or 2 at the different W Mids Universities, including Wolves, UCE, Aston and of course Birmingham. There will be more details to follow.

The West Midland Sikh Society's have also created a joint website. SikhSoc events from around the West Midlands will be put up on this website. Aston University's Soda n' Samosa event has just been uploaded with some hilarious videos from Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh's talk at the event. Check the site out:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sanjha Akhand Keertan Smagam at Niskham Educational and Cultural Centre

Go to for location info, transportation and for more information about the event.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Event: Cha n'Samosa at Aston University

There will be a Cha n' Samosa event at Aston University on wednesday. If anyone wants to go down to help (or for free samose ;)) there are a group of people going down from University Of Birmingham via train. Email us ( if you want to go by train with them.

Alternatively, it is very easy to commute there:

1) Bus :- Catch the 61, 62 or 63 bus towards Birmingham. They all stop just in front of Aston University (the aston uni stop is the stop just after the stop infront of the bull ring).
2) Train :- Catch the train to New Street and then go up the esculators after the ticket check, and turn left towards the ramp that takes you outside the pallasades. Turn right at the bottom of the ramp (towards the Bullring) and turn left onto the road with Virgin/HMV/Pavilion on. Head straight down that road (keeping to the right hand side of the road) and you should reach Aston University.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Photos: University Of Wolverhampton Soda n' Samosa

Here are photos from yesterday's Soda n' Samosa event at Wolverhampton University. There will be videos up soon on the parts of the talk by Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh on the life of Sri Guru Ram Das Ji.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Cha n' Samosa at Wolverhampton University

Their will be a Cha n'Samosa event happening at Wolverhampton University this week. The sikhsoc at wolverhampton university has requested for some of the university of birmingham sikhsoc members to go and help. There will be people going by train so anyone who wants to go just e-mail us at They'll leave at around 12.15. There is a map below for anyone who might want to make there own way there (Train, metro and bus stops are all a short walk away from the university campus)
Click here for map

Shaheedi Keertan Smagam 2007

There will be a kirtan smagam this week in memory of the shaheed sikhs of the past. Click on poster below for dates and gurdwareh.

The kirtan from the Rainsbhai in memory of Ikbal Singh is now up on the Sikh Soul website (click here).

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Photos: Soda n' Samosa event

Here are photos from today's Soda n' Samosa event. Apologies that photos are not in chronological order.

The next Soda n'Samosa event will be at Wolverhampton University on 10th October (next week wednesday). More info will be on the new West Midlands Sikh Blog.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Reansbhai Keertan In Loving Memory Of Ikbal Singh

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

With the Grace of Waheguru, there will be Reansbai Keertan for the sikh naujwan who sadly died in a motorbike accident.

It will be held on Saturday 6th October 07 from 7 PM to 5 AM at:

Guru Nanak Gurdwara
8 Edward Street
West Bromwich
B70 8NN

O my mind, earn the profit, before you return home...

Plz attend

Directions to Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Edward Street:

Driving: Click here for map

Commuting: Catch the 74 or 79 bus to West Bromwich (or metro to West Bromwich Central). From there a very short walk to gurdwara (see map above). West Bromich bus station is just by St Michaels Street so all you need to do is cross over St Michaels street and go around either left (via price street then onto victoria street) or right (via the high street onto victoria street). The metro stop is on W Bromwich ringway so all you need to do is turn left and head towards price street, then turn right onto victoria street and finally left onto edward street.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Event: Soda n' Samosa

3rd October, 2007 at St Francis Chaplaincy (next to the guild).

All Welcome.
2 - 4pm

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

Event: Wolverhampton Rehnsbhai

There will be a Rehnsbhai (all night kirtan) at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Wolverhampton (Sedgley Street) on the 1st September. There will be kirtanias from all around the world coming.

Click here for map.

For last years kirtan,

AKJ Rehnsbhai: Click here

Naam Ras Rehnsbhai: Click here

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Events: Barsi Of Sant Kartar Singh Ji Bindranwale

Akhand Path (continuous recitation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) at Gurdwara Baba Sang Ji Smethwick

Aramb : Thursday 16th August at 5pm
Bhog : Saturday 18th August at 5pm followed by Kirtan and Katha

I recommend anyone who wants to know more about Sant Baba Kartar Singh Ji Bindranwale to visit as this a brief look into the life of one of last century's most spiritual sikhs.

Getting to Baba Sang Gurwara:

Catch the train to Smethwick Rolfe Street/ Smethwick Galton Bridge (usually at 7 minutes and 37 minutes past the hour from New Street). From Smethwick Rolfe Street head towards the high street (on the left as you come out of the station), then turn right and go down the high street. The Gurdwara is at the end of the high street. From Smethwick Galton Bridge, cross the dual carrage way as you leave the station and turn left.
Alternatively catch the 87 bus (bus stop just outside new street station).

Friday, August 10, 2007

Video: Bibi Snatam Kaur

Click here for shabad and meanings.

For the meaning of Ek Onkar, Giani Thakur Singh goes into its indepth meaning at the beginning of his Jap Ji Sahib Katha (katha in panjabi).

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Updates: Change of Audio in Sidebar

We have just added new audio to the sidebar.

We've put up stories in english about spiritual gursikhs.

To download any of these to MP3 right click on the title of the mp3 and click "save target as" or "save link as".

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

Video of the week: Bhai Joginder Singh, Katha In English

In this video Bhai Joginder Singh talks about the effects of Kaam (Lust) and Krohd (Anger). There are many other good videos by Bhai Joginder Singh in english (click here to see the videos).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sikh Society Meeting

Their is going to be a meeting on friday for anyone who wants to help run the sikh society next year. Any one interested in helping next year please come to the meeting at

5k Foundation
40 Rood End Road
West Midlands

on FRIDAY 21ST JULY at 2pm.

Directions on getting to the 5k foundation building:

Firstly catch the 87 bus, which is just outside of new street station (at ticket inspectors turn left, go outside New street station and then take the first left) and Smethwick Rolfe Street (bus stop just by Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick). Get off the bus just before Gurdwara Amrit Parchar Dharmic Diwan (the gurdwara just underneath the M5). The roundabout just before the Gurdwara has a exit for Rood End Road. Follow this road down, keeping on the right. Just after Vernon road( and before Rood End school), is the 5K building (map below).

Friday, July 13, 2007

Video of the week: Baba Isher Singh Ji

Click here for shabad and translation.

This video was taken in 1975 when Baba Isher Singh Ji visited the UK.

Click here for info on Baba Isher Singh Ji.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Video of the week: Giani Amolak Singh Ji

Click here for shabad and meaning.

This kirtan is from Kericho (Kenya) after the bhog of an akhand path for the opening of a Gurdwara there. Kirtan is by Giani Amolak Singh Ji with Bhai Gurmeet Singh Ji on tabla, both of whom passed away a few years ago.

Below is a video of Giani Amolak Singh Ji back in the 1970's at Soho Road Gurdwara, Birmingham. In the video you can see what Soho Road Gurdwara looked like in the 70's as well as see Sant Baba Puran Singh Ji who the spiritual head and founder of the Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha.

Click here for shabad.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Event: Barsi Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

To get to Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick, you could catch a train to Smethwick Rolfe Street as this is opposite the Gurdwara. The trains leave birmingham new street at 7 minutes and 37 minutes past the hour.

Video of the week: Jap Ji Sahib Katha by Ek Onkar Kaur

There is also some excellent Jap Ji Sahib Katha in panjabi by Giani Thakur Singh (click here), he also explains the importance of Jap Ji Sahib (click here).

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Video of the week: Kirtan: Naam Japo Ji Aise Aise

The week's video of the week is kirtan from New Jersey Smagam (May 2007) by Bhai Kudrit Singh Ji. It is inspiring to see such a young child perform kirtan so well.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Video of the week: Youth of the month: Manvir Singh Khalsa

Everyone from the Univerity of Birmingham Sikh Society is very pleased to hear fellow sikh student Manvir Singh Khalsa has been chosen as the youth of the month (click here for interview).

So we have put this week's video of the week as this quick interview of manvir singh at a leicester university sikh society event.

Also, Manvir singh has a blog:

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Video of the week: Central News feature on sikh journalist

This week's video of the week is a special feature from ITV central news on an up and coming british journalist Jagjeet Singh.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Video of the week: Chaupai Sahib

This week's video of the week is Kabio Bach Benti Chaupai Sahib recited by Bhai Jarnail Singh. This is a prayer written by the tenth guru, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It is a prayer humbily asking god for protection and support, which we all need during this exam period :).

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Video of the week: Kaurageous

This week's video of the week is this video which shows some of the activities that the Kaurageous organisation have partaken in.

Kaurageous have a couple of events comming up (see below poster) which are open to all females.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Video of the week: Bhai Hari Singh

This week's video of the week is Bhai Hari Singh doing simran at a University of Leicester sikh society event.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Videos of the week: Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji

This week's video of the week is kirtan from Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji at Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji Gurdwara in Manchester.

Click here for the shabad and its meaning in english

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Videos of the week: Southall Nagar Kirtans 2006 and 2007

As the Birmingham Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan is just around the corner I thought I'd put up the videos of the Southall Nagar Kirtan (this year's and last year's)



Updates to site: New things added to sidebar

New items have been added to the sidebar. Firstly, a word of the moment has been added. Everytime you visit/refresh the site the word will change. If the panjabi word doesn't come up but the meaning does you'll need to install panjabi font. Click here to get the font.

Secondly, some simran audio has been added. If you have suggestions of other simran tracks leave it in the comments section of this post with the internet site where it's downloadable.

Finally, due to the EktaOne website closing down some of the links have been taken off the sidebar. Hopefully new links will be added in place of them before the start of the new semester.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Video of the week: Bhai Harjinder Singh

This week's video of the week is kirtan by Bhai Harjinder Singh Sri Nagar Wale.

Please leave comments

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Events: Vaisakhi events

With Vaisakhi coming up they'll be loads of events around Birmingham and the West Midlands. Here's two of which are advertised by BOSS:

There is going to be an Vaisakhi show and exhibition at Wolverhampton University on the 18th April. There will be visual displays, turban tying workshops, live martial arts display(at 1pm), art workshop, boss stall and much more.

To get to Wolverhampton University from University of Birmingham firstly catch the train from university station to new street. From there catch a train to Wolverhampton (usually the train ending at Manchester Picadilly/Wolverhampton). Then follow this map (click here for map) to the MC building.
On Sunday 22nd April there will be the annual Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtans in Birmingham. A nagar kirtan is when kirtan is sang whilst the sangat walks to a particular location (in this case handsworth park :) )

The first Nagar Kirtan will start at Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Smethwick. To get to this gurdwara catch a train from New Street to Smethwick Rolfe Street (the gurdwara is across the road from the station). The nagar kirtan will go past Gurdwara Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji, then onto Rookery Road past Bebe Nanaki Gurdwara, continuing then to Gurdwara Singh Sabha and finishing at Handsworth Park.

The second Nagar Kirtan starts at Dasmesh Gurdwara (from aston university follow the A34 until you get to Lozell's road. Turn left and then left again onto Wheeler street). The nagar kirtan then continues past Gurdwara GNNSJ (Soho Road Gurdwara), then to Gurdwara Bhagat Ravidas Bhavan and finally finishing at Handsworth Park.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

New links added

New links have been added to the sidebar. If anyone has any suggestions for the site please email us at

Also, check out the blog archive for archive photos (such as Bhai Sahib Ji's visit to the university) and the past videos of the week. Alternatively, you could click on the photos or videos hyperlink in the sidebar for past photos from events/past videos of the week.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Videos of the week: "The Saints remain wakeful; they are the Beloveds of my Lord"

This week the videos chosen are of the same shadad but from two different, highly spiritual gursikhs. Click here for the link to the shabad(sikhitothemax).

In their hearts, they meditate on the lotus feet of God; they do not forget Him, even for an instant.

First video is from Bhai Sahib Bhai Jeevan Singh Ji who is inspiration to sikhs around the world. This was taken from the 1991 Delhi Samagam.

This second is to one of the most admired kirtanias of our current generation, Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji. This was taken from the 2005 Delhi Samagam.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Weekly Events (last week semester 2)


If anyone wants to help next year in any way please come to the meeting in Victoria Halls Room P15 at 1pm this Wednesday.

If you have any suggestions for events for next year please leave them in the comments section below.


Cadbury Room
St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)
Victoria Halls P15 Room 3

Friday, March 23, 2007

Video of the week: Presentations from the Kaurageous event at Aston University)

Sorry for the quality of the videos as it was taken from a digital camera. The videos were taken from the Kaurageous event from Aston University event with Pardip Singh doing the first presentation. The question the group had to answer was "What is considered beautiful in a gursikh female?".

The second video is the female group answering the same question with Kuldeep Singh giving some input. Again sorry for the sound quality when the camera moves.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Video of the week: Bhai Niranjan Singh

This week's video of the week is kirtan from Bhai Niranjan Singh singing the shabad "Aisay Gur Ko Bal Bal Jaaiay".

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Video of the week: Sri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Yogi

This week's video of the week is a lecture given by Yogi Bhajan Singh on Sadhana

If you want more videos of this kind or have any suggestions for videos that should be put on the blog please type it into the comments section by clicking on comments at the end of these posts and leaving your suggestions/comments.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Event: International Women’s Week

Tuesday 6th – Wake Up!!
6pm , Hall 1 @ GNG Smethwick

Wednesday 7th – Beauty of Sikh Women
2pm, Room 155 @ Aston Uni

Thursday 8th – Clean up seva
5.30pm @ Baba Sang Gurdwara

Saturday 10th – Shabeel (in memory of Mata Khivi Ji)
1pm onwards outside Dhesi sweet centre on Soho Rd.

(the events above are part of international women’s week, all are welcome to the events)

Friday 16th – Sanjha Kirtan Darbar – for Comic relief
7pm till late @ GNG Smethwick

Tuesday 20th – Kung Fu taster session (note this session is girls only)
6pm, Hall 1 @ GNG smethwick

Weekly events are running as normal

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Video of the week: Yudh 2007

This weeks Video of the week is the promotional video for the Yudh Gatka Tournament and Rehnsbai Kirtan Darbar.

It is coming up this saturday at Gurdwara Amrit Parchar Dharmik Diwan in Oldbury.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Events: Q & A and Paintballing Massacre 5

More sikh society events this week as part of the Bitesize sikhi week.

First on wednesday at 3pm there will be a question and answer event at aston university, where you'll have the opportunity to ask any sikhi related questions to a panel of knowledgable sikhs of our current generation. this can be done anonymously as there will be pieces of paper going around before the event on which you can write your questions on. Also, you can also leave your questions in the comments section of this post as all the questions there will be given to the panel prior to the event.

Taking place at the national paintball fields in Sutton Coldfield, which has been voted the best paintballing field in europe, you'll get 500 paintballs, a semi automatic paintball gun, safety gear, transport and lunch. Tickets are going fast so buy them before its too late. Transport will leave the guild at 8.30am and return around 4pm. The food is also inclusive and you'll get vegi burgers, crisps and drinks.

Weekly Events (week 7)


Cadbury Room
St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)

4am to 6am
Vicoria Halls: P15 Room 3

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Video of the week: Bhai Nirmal Singh

This week's video of the week is this kirtan video by Bhai Nirmal Singh singing beautifully the shabad Hai Gobind Hai Gopaal

Got any suggestions for next week's video of the week? Leave it in the comments section by clicking comments at the end of this article.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Event: Caste Away and National Kirtan Darbar

Caste away talk at Wolverhampton University this Wednesday at 2pm. Though there is unfortunately no transport we will have people going via train. They will leave from university station at 12.30 sharp. If you want to go with them they will be by the clock tower between 1215-12.25. Alternatively, if you want to make your own way there, the building is very near to both the metro and train station (Click here for a map - The building that the talk is in is located at the bottom of the map, MU building Room 422).

The first ever national kirtan darbar will take place at Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Smethwick. There will be katha, kirtan and dhadhi by some of the most talanted sikh youth (see above).

Transportation: please phone 07903304543

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Weekly Events (week 6)


Cadbury Room
St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)

4am to 6am
Vicoria Halls: P15 Room 3

Everyone welcome to both events

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Video of the week: Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji

This week's video of the week is kirtan from Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji doing kirtan of the shabad "Sansar Samundey Taar Gobindey" (Please carry me across the world-ocean, O Lord of the Universe).

Please do leave comments on the video or suggestions via the comments hyperlink and the bottom of each post

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Updates on paintballing event

There are still tickets left for the paintballing event for bitesize sikhi week. To get tickets contact Balraj (07878471453). Also, those that haven't paid have not officially booked there places.

The event will be on Sunday 4th March. It'll cost £35(members) or £40(non-members) which includes over 8 senarios at a paintballing field voted the best in europe, 500 paintballs and food. We are also trying to arrange transport. More info on transportation should come on this blog near to the event.

Weekly Events (week 5)


Meditation class will be held this week at the same time but different location to last year. Remember this is the perfect opportunity to relieve some stress and do something productive at the same time. Anyone who has not had the chance to come to one of the classes, Thursday is a good a time as any to make it to your first class. Everyone is welcome. See you there!

Location: Cadbury Room, St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)
Time: 6pm

For more info contact 07878471453

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)

Sikhs are encouraged to get up early and pray as often as we can so for one day in the week. The Sikh Soc organises a comunial worship which will start at 4am with "Waheguru" meditation followed by morning prayers. We encourage all people to come as it has to be experienced to really understand its benefits.

Location: Victoria Halls P15 Room 3
Time: 4am to 6am

Please phone Balraj Singh on 07878471453 if you need to be picked up or if your waiting outside and need to be let in.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Video of the week

Every week we'll be putting up a sikhi related video on the blog.

For this week's video, we've got this video from Guruka Singh talking about his thoughts on the stages of life.

Keep checking back on the blog as they'll be a new video every week as well as event info and photos.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Weekly Events (week 4)


Aston Uni Sikh Soc have organised a 6 a side football tournament open to all of the West Midland Sikh Societies. Even if you aren't partisipating please do come and support University Of Birmingham ( Aston uni beat us on UoB turf so we need to win for payback). Every team gets a guaranteed 3 games.

Location: Aston University - GEM sports center
Time: Wednesday 12-5pm


Meditation class will be held this week at the same time but different location to last year. Remember this is the perfect opportunity to relieve some stress and do something productive at the same time. Anyone who has not had the chance to come to one of the classes, Thursday is a good a time as any to make it to your first class. Everyone is welcome. See you there!

Location: Cadbury Room, St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)
Time: 6pm

For more info contact 07878471453

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)

Sikhs are encouraged to get up early and pray as often as we can so for one day in the week. The Sikh Soc organises a comunial worship which will start at 4am with "Waheguru" meditation followed by morning prayers. We encourage all people to come as it has to be experienced to really understand its benefits.

Location: Victoria Halls P15 Room 3
Time: 4am to 6am

Please phone Balraj Singh on 07878471453 if you need to be picked up or if your waiting outside and need to be let in.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Event: Bitesize Sikhi 2007

More events coming up from the West Midlands Sikh Societies this month and start of next. We thought we'd post this up early to make sure more people are informed, turn up and make these events successful. The events are all at times in which we have no lectures so no excuses for not going.

Caste away: Their will be transport going from Birmingham University ( more info on transport soon)

This will be the first event of its kind. The first national kirtan darbar will take place at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, (High Street, Smethwick)

This event will give you a chance to ask any sikhi related questions and getting an answer to them. If you want to ask the question anonymously then there will be pieces of paper going around at the beginning of the event in which you can write your question. Also, you could leave your questions in the comments section of this post. To do this, click on the comments hyperlink at the end of the post and type in your question. The questions will then be given to panel to answer at the event. Here are some questions that have already been put forward.

  • Was Guru Nanak a prophet?
  • Is it right to have relationships before marriage?

  • What is amrit?

  • What about alcohol and meat?

  • What is Guru Ji’s message?

  • View upon other religions?

  • Why do you grow your hair but not your nails?

  • Sikhi and science?

  • Modern times?

  • Sikhi and shaheedi?

  • Mixed race marriages?

We will finish Sikhi Bitesize Week with a massacre, a paintball massacre. Taking place at the national paintball fields in Sutton Coldfield, which has been voted the best paintballing field in europe, you'll get 500 paintballs, a semi automatic paintball gun, safety gear, transort and lunch. Tickets are going fast so buy them before its too late.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Event: Aston Sikh Society Football Tournament


To get to Aston University from the University Of Birmingham go to the university train station and catch the train to birmingham new street (platform 1). From there, head towards the bull ring and turn left onto the road with a large Virgin Megastores/The Pavilion shopping center. Keep right onto Dale End road and Aston Uni should be straight ahead.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weekly Events (week 3)


An earlier time has been made available for those who can't attend the 6pm meditation class. Each week a new prayer will be recited with a informal talk on it's meaning after.

Location: Chaplaincy: Worship Room (Behind the Guild)
Time: 2:15pm

Contact Balraj Singh on 07878471453 for more info


Meditation class will be held this week at the same time but different location to last year. Remember this is the perfect opportunity to relieve some stress and do something productive at the same time. Anyone who has not had the chance to come to one of the classes, Thursday is a good a time as any to make it to your first class. Everyone is welcome. See you there!

Location: Cadbury Room, St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)
Time: 6pm

For more info contact 07878471453

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)

Sikhs are encouraged to get up early and pray as often as we can so for one day in the week the Sikh Soc organises a comunial worship which will start at 4am with "Waheguru" meditation followed by morning prayers. We encourage all people to come as it has to be experienced to really understand its benefits.

Location: Victoria Halls P15 Room 3
Time: 4am to 6am

Please phone Balraj Singh on 07878471453 if you need to be picked up or if your waiting outside and need to be let in.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Weekly events (week 2)


Due to demand we are now starting mid-day prayers at 2.15pm on Tuesdays. This will give the opportunity to the sangat to listen to and read some of the sikh prayers and after discuss the meanings and relevence of them. This, like all sikh soc events, is open to all. From the most devout Sikh to someone totally new to Sikhism all are welcome.

Location: Chaplaincy: Worship Room (Behind the Guild)
Time: 2:15pm

Contact Balraj Singh on 07878471453 for more info

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)

Sikhs are encouraged to get up early and pray as often as we can so for one day in the week the Sikh Soc organises a comunial worship which will start at 4am with "Waheguru" meditation followed by morning prayers. We encourage all people to come as it has to be experienced to really understand its benefits.

Location: Victoria Halls P15 Room 3
Time: 4am to 6am

Please phone Balraj Singh on 07878471453 if you need to be picked up or if your waiting outside and need to be let in.


Meditation class will be held this week at the same time but different location to last year. Remember this is the perfect opportunity to relieve some stress and do something productive at the same time. Anyone who has not had the chance to come to one of the classes, Thursday is a good a time as any to make it to your first class. Everyone is welcome. See you there!

Location: Cadbury Room, St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)
Time: 6pm

For more info contact 07878471453

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Weekly Events

AMRIT VELA (Morning Prayers)

Sikhs are encouraged to get up early and pray as often as we can so for one day in the week the Sikh Soc organises a comunial worship which will start at 4am with "Waheguru" meditation followed by morning prayers. We encourage all people to come as it has to be experienced to really understand its benefits.

New Day!!! FRIDAY
Location: Victoria Halls P15 Room 3
Time: 4am to 6am

Please phone Balraj Singh on 07878471453 if you need to be picked up or if your waiting outside and need to be let in


Meditation class will be held this week at the same time but different location to last year. Remember this is the perfect opportunity to relieve some stress and do something productive at the same time. Anyone who has not had the chance to come to one of the classes, Thursday is a good a time as any to make it to your first class. Everyone is welcome. See you there!

Cadbury Room
St Francis Hall (Behind Guild)

For more info contact 07878471453