Sunday, February 25, 2007

Events: Q & A and Paintballing Massacre 5

More sikh society events this week as part of the Bitesize sikhi week.

First on wednesday at 3pm there will be a question and answer event at aston university, where you'll have the opportunity to ask any sikhi related questions to a panel of knowledgable sikhs of our current generation. this can be done anonymously as there will be pieces of paper going around before the event on which you can write your questions on. Also, you can also leave your questions in the comments section of this post as all the questions there will be given to the panel prior to the event.

Taking place at the national paintball fields in Sutton Coldfield, which has been voted the best paintballing field in europe, you'll get 500 paintballs, a semi automatic paintball gun, safety gear, transport and lunch. Tickets are going fast so buy them before its too late. Transport will leave the guild at 8.30am and return around 4pm. The food is also inclusive and you'll get vegi burgers, crisps and drinks.

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