Monday, December 01, 2008

Talk of the Month

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!


Hi everyone, its time for Talk Of Month.... December's Talk Of The Month promises to be a truly inspirational talk, definietly one NOT to be missed.
So just before you all go home for the Christmas Holidays you may be planning on one last party?  A trip down to Broad Street maybe?
One last session?...   How about making a trip down the chaplaincy (its not that far, just behind the guild and you wont even need to get a taxi there)... where there will be a garantee of buzz that will keep you
boosted for longer than you expect, it all depends on you!
So please do make every effort to come
... There will be Free Samosa for you all! (and chutnee if your good)



What? ---
Talk of the Month

Talk? ---
Sikh Spirit.... Catch it

Wednesday 3rd December

Where? --- Chaplaincy (behind the Guild)

Time? ---
2pm till 3:15 pm

Talker? ---
Manvir Singh




Spread the word and bring a friend!!


For any other information, send an email to

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!


Harpal Singh said...

Visit sikhtruth. com to learn about this great religion and its followers.Sikhism's also the only religion to give full equality to men and women, fact. Sound like a religion you should follow. It is the only religion where the founders wrote their own holy book unlike Christianity and Islam where the founders had died long before anything was written hence there are likely to be fallacies in their holy texts.

ankita said...

Very Good website. I like the contents. From